Almost everything for gas and air treatment
- Measurements and analysis
- Design of gas scrubbers and gas strippers
- Advice for air cleaning and odor removal technologies
Measurements and analysis
- Flow, pressure, temperature, humidity
- Composition:
- NH3, H2S, VOC, HCl, HF, SO2, NOx, formaldehyde, solvents, and much more
- Logging of H2S (0 – 1000 ppm)
- Logging of VOC (Volatile Organic Components)
Design of gas scrubbers and gas strippers
- For removal of chemicals such as:
- Ammonia, SO2, NOx, H2S, HCl, Formaldehyde, Fenol, HCN, Alcohol, hydrocarbons, Etc
- For removal of odor:
- Biological: with trickling-filter, lavafilter (vulcanic rock filter) and biobed
- Chemical: with 2- and 3-stap scrubbers (see picture)
- Active carbon
- Unique expertise;
- Design scrubbers with drain water purification.
- For formaldehyde, phenol, alcohol, etc.
- This gives a very low flow of discharge liquid
- Design H2S removal from biogas
- With low removal of CO2
- On site testing and demonstrating scrubber efficiency on micro scale
Scrubber design sheet

WATECO is a consultancy agency, founded by drs. Dirk J. Koot. With more than 40 years experience in water and gas treatment.
WATECO is a independent consultancy agency, for all your ‘big’ and ‘small’ questions.
WATECO has a passion for solving your problems. This is all done systematically by applying the Kepner-Tregoe framework.

WATECO finds it important that wealth is shared with others. We like to give especially to charities that support today’s children. After all, who saves a life, saves the world. Nobody can saver everyone, but everyone can save somebody. That’s why we donate part of our profits to charities dedicated to shelter, care and schooling of children in need.
A selection of previous clients of WATECO:
Jan de Nul Waste processing industry
Jansen Waste processing industry
Sita Waste processing industry
VAR Waste processing industry
Nedalco Alcohol production
VBA Flower auction
Cargill Chemical industry
Dam Bodegraven Chemical industry
DHV Chemical industry
Draka Comteq Chemische industry
DSM Chemical industry
DuPont Chemical industry
ECP Chemical industry
Henkel Chemical industry
Pokon Chemical industry
RPP Chemical industry
Sekisui Chemische industri
Shell Chemical industry
RotoSmeets Printing company
Solland Etching company
Adverbo Galvanic industry
Balak Galvanic industry
NRF Galvanic industry
Arcadis Engineering company
DEC Engineering company
Biothane Engineering company
Engiplast Engineering company
Envisan Engineering company
EPG Engineering company
Hulshof Tannery
Askove Supplier
Biothane Supplier
Colasit Supplier
DEC Supplier
DMT Supplier
Ecobeton Supplier
Electron Supplier
Enviro Chemical Supplier
Kuypers Supplier
KWB Supplier
Task Supplier
Triqua Supplier
Veolia Supplier
WTT Supplier
NRF Galvanic industry
Hogere agr. school Delft Educational institution
Wateropleidingen Educational institution
Nedcoat Thermal galvanization
Optimizor AFB Fodder industry
Vika Fodder industry
Provimi Fodder industry
Amylum Food industry
Cerestar Food industry
Heineken Food industry
Waterboard HDSR Waterboard
Waterboard Rijn en IJssel Waterboard
HHNK Waterboard